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Sunday, April 3, 2011

My legs are soo itchy!

I took another shower today.  I'm gonna start doing this more often again.

I mean I just shaved.  :p  I'm all wet and cold, even with short hair.

Well, we're going to Publix to pick up my medicine.  Then Dominos.  Then the mall.  Then to get my dad's special music computer.  Someone built it for him.  He does guitar and is a singer-songwriter.

The itching is still there but went down.  The private area can get itchy too.  I shave there now.  It's nice because then my bathroom isn't a forest of pubic hair.

I have on some dark blue sweatpants from Gap.  I have on a blue striped shirt from Pacific Sunwear.

I'm gonna return that outfit and get jeans for modeling.  I have to have them hemmed.  After jeans, I will use money to get shoes.  For modeling I need my own jeans and shoes.  I also need to work out, probably tomorrow I hope.

I feel all itchy.  I had mint and chocolate (sale 2 for $5) Oreos and milk for breakfast.

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